
Here are some of many interesting points of view that will help you understand the need to take action now.
Organizations that are aligning with “Are You Climate Ready?”, formally and informally, are emerging almost daily.
Visit our AYCR Ecosystem to see the resources we have identified as valuable, as well as our progress in developing a diverse collaboration of our interrelationships.

Our AYCR Ecosystem is built on a platform. It allows us to update new collaborative relationships, and new initiatives as they occur. When you click on any sphere, you can explore a brief description.


The Actuaries Climate Index® (ACI) is an objective measure of observed changes and some of the potential impacts of a changing climate (the United States and Canada). The Index does not address whether or how much carbon emissions and other man-made influences underlie measurable changes in climate indicators.


En-ROADS is a transparent, freely-available policy simulation model that gives everyone the chance to design their own scenarios to limit future global warming. You can try your own experiments and assumptions and get immediate feedback on the likely impacts. The simulation, developed by Climate Interactive and the MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative, runs on an ordinary laptop in a fraction of a second. It is available online, offering an intuitive interface. ​

En-ROADS has been carefully grounded in the best available science and has been calibrated against a wide range of existing integrated assessment, climate and energy models.​


AYCR identified the following science-based initiative as one of interest for organizations that are committed to climate action.

Attribution Science is the science of responsibility, linking extreme weather events directly to human-caused climate change.

The World Weather Attribution (WWA) is a collaboration between climate scientists, from such notable institutions as:

  • the University of Oxford in the UK,
  • KNMI in the Netherlands,
  • IPSL/LSCE in France,
  • Princeton University and NCAR in the US,
  • ETH Zurich in Switzerland,
  • IIT Delhi in India.

As well, it includes climate impact specialists at the Red Cross / Red Crescent Climate Centre (RCCC) from around the world.

Since 2015 the World Weather Attribution initiative has been conducting real-time attribution analysis of extreme weather events as they happen around the world. This provides the public, scientists, and decision-makers with the means to make clear connections between greenhouse gas emissions and impactful extreme weather events, such as storms, floods, heatwaves and droughts.

WWA was founded to change to provide robust assessments on the role of climate change in the aftermath of the event. The initiative is led by Dr. Friederike Otto at the University of Oxford and Dr. Geert Jan van Oldenborgh at KNMI.

Since WWA started in 2014, the group has developed methods to do extreme event attribution quickly but thoroughly. AYCR recommends this initiative is one to do extreme event attribution quickly but thoroughly.

The Critical Importance of Collaboration

The Davos 2021 agenda expressed the view that whether its purpose is for-profit, not-for-profit, or for governance, no institution or any individual alone, can solve the environmental, social, economic and technological challenges of a complex, interdependent world.

Evidence of the fundamental need to collaborate was accentuated by the pandemic. Fundamental system changes are needed. However, these changes will only occur when there is trust amongst a community or a network.

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, trust is built on competence and ethics. Competence is defined as the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. As written in the Edelman 2021 report, “Business, government, NGOs and others must find a common purpose and take collective action to solve societal problems.”

“Are You Climate Ready?” infuses a systems approach with collaboration to drive efficiency in the speed of the collective response of Subscribers.

This is critical as there is no silver bullet. There is no one organization that can state with authority that it has all the answers. There is no one community, company or country that has yet figured out how to make structural changes to reduce this global challenge.